Thursday, May 28, 2020

Dont Make Mistakes With Your Future! Read This Advice About College.

Don't Make Mistakes With Your Future! Read This Advice About College. College is meant to be a challenge but don't let that intimidate you. Don't let yourself become daunted in that way. All that college success requires is a little dedication on your part, and some wise advice can really help. This article can help you. Try and keep a part-time job throughout your college career; as tough as it may be to balance work and studies, the extra money, you make can make a big difference. If you have a huge amount of money to pay back once you are finished, life will be much more difficult after graduation so try and work your way through it. A good tip if you're thinking about going to college is to get all of your general education out of the way. This means that you take your basic classes at a community college so that when you're finally at college, you're able to take good classes that are worth the money. Find a place to study that is conducive to your style of studying. If you can study while blocking out noise then your dorm room may be fine. But if you need privacy and quiet then find a quiet corner in one of the less popular areas of the library or a perhaps a peaceful and relaxing space outdoors. Do not fall into the credit card company's tricks where they give you a credit card. These cards have high interest rates, and they aim to prey on college students who have no money. There are many instances in which college student's default on these cards because they understandably have no money to pay them back. Graduating college is something that anyone can do with dedication and hard work. Use this information to get to graduation. Enjoy your school years, and get all that you can out of college.

College Students: Read This Article To Help You Find Success

College Students: Read This Article To Help You Find Success College is a lot of fun, but it can be overwhelming, too. The following article will offer many tips and techniques to help guide you through college. Heed these recommendations carefully, because your choices will have substantial consequences. Begin preparing for college your junior year. Most students wait until their senior year before getting serious about college. Instead, use your junior year to tour different colleges, learn about the scholarships available and begin applying for the colleges of your choice. Using this technique will help you accomplish everything in plenty of time. Always plan time to study and keep a set schedule for doing so. After you have received your class schedule, it is best to schedule your study time. With a class and study schedule mapped out, you can create the kind structure that will help you get through each day and maximize your time. If your campus has a gym, be sure to take advantage of it. There are many people to meet up with to walk with or workout with. You can make friends to go to the gym with, and broaden your social circle. If you can you should open up a bank account at a bank that also has branches in your home town. This way it will be easier for your parents to put money into your account and it be available right away instead of having to wait 3-5 business days. If you have debts with a credit card company, pay them off monthly. You will never get any penalties or late charges this way. If you can, use credit cards for emergencies only. You are going to college to get an education, not a social life, so try to avoid the temptation of using your credit card for entertainment expenses. Financial worries can undermine your studies. College is full of hard work, along with some wacky fun. You should always look toward the future and what it will hold when you are going to school.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Understatement in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich - Literature Essay Samples

Harsh climatic conditions, no food and hard work; all of these aspects symbolize the daily life of a prisoner inside the Gulag. The horrifying treatment of the prisoners is very well documented in many prison novels. However, the way that the conditions are described can vary from novel to novel, depending upon the author’s purpose. Some authors prefer to exaggerate the horrors faced by the prisoners to spark outrage from the reader, while others prefer to depict the horrors in a more subtle way to achieve a similar objective. Alexander Solzhenitsyn evokes emotions through the use of understatement. In One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Solzhenitsyn utilizes the literary technique of understatement to highlight the extent to which dehumanization is present in the Gulag. From the beginning of the novel until the very end, the physical setting of the Gulag and its harsh climatic implications are understated. The first description of the weather appears when the prisoners c an barely hear the morning reveille as it couldn’t â€Å"penetrate the windowpanes on which the frost lay two fingers thick.† The frost on the windowpanes represents the true cold the zeks face daily. The author’s casual mention of the frost being two fingers thick, could be a symbolic representation of how the prisoners in the Gulag are accustomed to this kind of weather. The full extent of the cold could be felt when Shukhov goes to the steppe, where â€Å"bare white snow stretched to the horizon, to the left, to the right, and not a single tree could be seen on the whole expanse of the steppe.† (pg. 39) The barren land indicates the desolate and inescapable environment in which the zeks live. The understatement present in this example indicates the harsh reality of the situation.Due to the harsh climatic conditions, the prisoners need a form of distraction to survive, which comes in the form of work. In fact, â€Å"most depend on the work report than on the work itself,† as it gives the zeks extra food (pg. 59) . The importance of the work is understated in this section, because the six ounces of bread that the prisoners receive would not be considered substantial outside the gulag, yet it still holds significance for the prisoners. However, to them, the extra ounces could mean their survival. The amount of work accomplished by the prisoners for the insignificant amount of food depicts the dehumanization present in the novel. While the amount of food may be less than normal, it is the force that drives the prisoners to accomplish more. For example, when the prisoners receive one bowl of soup, they regard it as, â€Å"dearer than freedom, dearer than life itself, past, present, and future† (126). This highlights the number of atrocities that the prisoners go through, as the narrator compares food, including the deprivation of food, to that of freedom. It gives them a reason to work, something to fight for, and the ab ility to survive. This use of understatement creates the sense that a measly bowl of soup becomes the only thing that matters in the eyes of the Zeks. This extent to which the prisoners have been dehumanized brings them to the point that little can mean so much in relation to their survival. Many of the men in the Gulag are innocent of committing any real crimes, yet the Gulag dehumanizes them to the point that the innocent cannot be distinguished from the guilty. Men who already struggle to understand why they are in the Gulag, must adapt to being treated the same way that even a real criminal would find inhumane. Buinovsky criticises the guards by saying that they areâ€Å"not behaving like Soviet people†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ not behaving like communists† (pg 34). To Buinovksy, the prison guards are going against the Communist code, and mistreating the prisoners completely through their absurd rules and regulations. His criticism of the prison guards as â€Å"bad† communists creates understatement as well as a sense of irony. Buinovsky expresses the way communists ought to behave, even though communists sentence him to the Gulag in the first place. To criticise the guards as bad communists is an understatement as they should really be criticised for a lack of moral code and for being unjust. When describing the experience that one of the members of Shukhov’s squad faces, Solzhenitsyn simply states that â€Å"he was captured; he escaped, and then he was recaptured,†(pg 49). The zeks are dehumanized even though many of them do not belong in the Gulag since they have been arrested for trivial reasons. Solzhenitsyn attempts to understate the dehumanization present by dismissing the capture as if it was not important, and showcases it almost as if it was a consistent occurrence. The innocent men that are trapped in the Gulag are there due to no fault of their own, making it seem as though constant fear of imprisonment is a norm in this society . The ending of the novel gives the reader an idea of the true value of understatement in the novel. After the day goes by, and Shukhov reminisces over what has happened during the one day, he realizes that â€Å"today was almost a happy day.†(pg. 167) This statement has a lasting effect on the way the novel can be interpreted, because the day starts off poorly when Shukhov is punished for staying in bed, resulting in him moping the guardhouse floors, then he and his squad go to a site to work in the fierce cold. At this point, the single day would seem like anything but a good day; as a result of the use of understatement to emphasize the hardships the zeks face. However, Solzhenitsyn’s final use of understatement has the same effect on a larger scale. It exhibits the notion that these prisoners have experienced such constant hardships and injustices, that a day in which they survive can be considered good, Shukhov manages to do his work well, which gives him a sense of dignity in a society where most individual characteristics are stripped, and he also feels more spiritually connected after his conversation with Alyoshka. This also interplays with the role of time in the novel, which is understated as Shukhov finishes by stating how many days remain in his sentence. He makes this statement so bluntly, that it sounds bearable, yet in reality it is nearly impossible to survive considering that a ‘good’ day is one in which he receives a slight amount of additional food. Shukhov’s sense of time is almost distorted from reality, due to the inhumane conditions he has been living for years. Work seems to be the leading factor to determine the way the day has shaped his reaction. It is the effect of work that causes the day to pass by so quickly. The understated and ambiguous ending, enhances the irony and understatement of the situation. After waking up sick, Shukhov is punished for not getting out of bed on time, and was treated poorly. Combine those situations with the constant hard work and harsh climatic conditions, and this evokes a feeling of the terrible day that Shukhov is experiencing. However, Shukhov’s insistence that this was a good day evokes the speculation of what a bad day would be like. His mistreatment at the hands of the Gulag prison guards depicts an image of a suffering man, who has no method of escape. However, the word â€Å"almost† changes the definition of the statement. Shukhov’s â€Å"almost† could vary from horrid to acceptable, a notable difference. Solzhenitsyn’s use of â€Å"almost† leaves the interpretation to the reader’s mind regarding whether the mood ends on an optimistic or pessimistic note. The use of understatement contributes to the sub-text of this novel as it deals with the subtle dehumanization of the zeks. Solzhenitsyn attempts to combine and enhance all of the harsh effects of the Gulag through his use of understat ement. Understatement is a technique that Solzhenitsyn uses to imply how commonplace the mistreatment and utter brutality the men face becomes during Stalin’s reign. It evokes shock as the reader feels completely appalled by the subhuman living conditions and treatment, of prisoners which the narrator expresses as â€Å"normal.† This highlights how much the prisoners were mistreated on a regular basis, and that a simple day in which a prisoner receives a few extra rations and avoids punishment could be considered a good one. As a result, the role of understatement in the novel, One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich provides the reader with a clear and concise image of what the prisoners truly suffered.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Introductory Essay Samples - Why You Need Them

Introductory Essay Samples - Why You Need ThemBy now, you are probably aware of the importance of essay samples. Even so, it is important to mention that there are a lot of them. This is because most of the writers who write essay have already completed their draft by the time they contact a writer to give them feedback on their writing. The essay sample is meant to document the number of times the writer has read through a written essay.What can be expected from these essay samples? Firstly, they would provide the writer with a summary of the essay. This would help them to prepare their writing on what the core ideas and themes of the essay are. They would also be able to identify where and how the essay differs from other similar essays. In addition, they would give the writer an idea of how long he or she has been working on the essay.Most of the time, text samples come with sample writing samples to illustrate the differences between each type of writing. While this is not all th at useful for the author, it is very helpful for the reader.It will help the reader understand the differences between a work that needs more editing and rewriting and one that is complete and ready to be published as the final product. You may want to do the same thing, so if you think that this is possible, then these types of samples can be extremely helpful to you.If you are still in school or are just starting your education, the help of these samples will allow you to continue with the whole research process while at the same time, ensuring that you achieve your goal of being a good writer. It can even speed up the learning process, especially if you know what types of essay samples are being offered to help you with your learning.Aside from that, these samples are generally offered for free and the content is usually unedited. Therefore, they can be copied and pasted for research purposes without fearing about the plagiarism, copyright infringement or damages.Writing samples that are copied from the internet are all over the internet. Therefore, all you need to do is to search for the samples you need in a search engine. The first website that comes up may not necessarily be the best, but they do offer samples that are usually free of charge.When choosing from the available essays samples, it is necessary to consider the quality and timeliness of the document. Choosing a sample with good quality and timely submission date is essential. In fact, this is the primary factor to make you choose the right essay samples.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Planned Parenthood Essay - 2715 Words

Planned Parenthood Intro-Andrea: Health care is extremely important, but one form which is overlooked or often not talked about often is sexual healthcare. Did you know these facts? Over 25 million people have died from AIDS since 1981. STDs often cause death, infertility, chronic pain, birth defects, amp; miscarriages. Everyday 12,000 American teens contract an STD. 1 in 5 Americans have genital herpes. 90% don’t know it and don’t show signs. There are 750,000 teen pregnancies in the U.S. a year (2,000 a day). About 80% of teen fathers don’t stay with the mom. Every 45 seconds someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted. How can we prevent these numbers and statistics? We can with Planned Parenthood. Need-Julie: Planned Parenthood†¦show more content†¦If a woman is pregnant and she has an untreated STD such as hepatitis B, herpes, and syphilis, it could also potentially spread to the fetus, potentially leading to premature birth, stillbirth, and birth defects. Because Planned Parenthood is so affordable, many people depend on it as a reproductive health clinic. In fact, about one half of the organization’s patient’s use doctors at Planned Parenthood as their primary physicians, because they would be unable to afford anything else. Planned Parenthood also provides accurate sexual education, and they speak about all forms of birth control, including abstinence, and the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases. 26 states require abstinence-only education, and some argue that by not providing other information about sexual health, this increases the chance of unintended pregnancy. In fact, the two states with the highest rates of teen pregnancy are Mississippi and New Mexi co. Mississippi does not require sex education, but when it is taught, it is restricted to be abstinence only, and New Mexico has no requirements at all about what should be included in sex education. By providing sexual education that encompasses all forms of birth control and STD prevention, including abstinence, Planned Parenthood reduces the risk of unplanned pregnancy and protects the health of women and men alike. Overall, Planned ParenthoodShow MoreRelated Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood Essay1071 Words   |  5 PagesMargaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood During a time in which white supremacy was being challenged by an ever-increasing African population, a woman named Margaret Sanger â€Å"sought to purify America’s breeding stock and purge America’s bad stains† (Planned Parenthood). She set out to establish the American Birth Control League, which eventually became the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA). Sanger’s actions provoked much controversy because at the time not only was contraceptionRead MoreEssay Planned Parenthood Vs. 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Margaret is the definition of nursing and is an inspirational model and leader to female nurses in addition to females in general through her works thus is the reason we choose her as our focal point for our essay. Margaret Sanger was a nurse working in New York with immigrant families and underprivileged women trying to educate them about sex and their sexual freedom. She was an advocate for birth control so she started a column about sex education in theRead MorePersuasive Essay On Planned Parenthood1216 Words   |  5 Pages Planned Parenthood was founded on the revolutionary idea that women should have the information and care they need to live strong, healthy lives and fulfill their dreams — no ceilings, no limits (Planned Parenthood). With over 600 health centers, the people of Planned Parenthood have dedicated themselves to keep women informed, healthy, and educated in sexual education, and sexual health (Planned Parenthood). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Donato di Donatello Essay Example For Students

Donato di Donatello Essay Donatello was one of the greatest sculptors of all time. His real name was Donato de Betto di Bardi. Donatello was born in Florence in 1386 and died at 1466. He grew up being called Donatello, which means Little Donato. There is very little known about Donatellos family, except his father was Nicalo di Bardi a wool comber. There is no record of Donatello ever being married or having children. Donatello began his career as a goldsmith. At the age of twelve, he began working in the shop of the great architect Brunelleschi in 1399. Next, Donatello had the opportunity to work as an apprentice for the most famous sculptor of the time Lorenzo Ghiberte. He assisted Ghiberte in constructing and decorating the famous bronze doors for baptistery in Florence. Each bronze door contained fourteen sculpted panels with scenes from the New Testament. It took Ghiberte almost twenty years to complete the doors. This experience of studying under Ghiberte continues to influence Donatellos style of sculpting for the rest of his life. Donatellos first work of art, which was recognized, was a larger than life, statue of St. Mark. The statue measured seven feet nine inches and was sculpted out of marble. This was his first great sculpture. It took him more than two years to finish. The thing that is most remarkable about the statue is the penetrating gaze of St. Mark. Michelangelo is reported to have said that he had never seen anyone who looked more like a honest man then Donatellos statue of St. Mark. Donatellos earliest sculptures were very realistic In 1415 Donatello was commissioned to sculpt a statue of St. George, the slayer of dragons. The statue stands today in Florence. It took him two years to complete the six foot nine inch statue. The statue of St. George is that he seems very alive. The youthful looking St. George is dressed in a full suit of armor and his eyes are fired on his sword arm. Although, the statue stands firmly you almost sense that he is ready to move. The body language of St. George sugge sts a person ready for battle. The face and pose of St. George is very vivid and controlled that is compared to the classical Greek and Roman sculptures. By the time Donatello was in his late thirties, wealthy people were buying his sculptures. The Medici family of Florence commissioned most of his works. The Medicis dominated the financial and political house of Florence for several generations. Donatello sculpted a four-foot six-inch bronze statue of David, which was the biblical hero for the Medici Family. David was one of Donatellos most famous sculptures. His sculpture of David was inspired by many works of Ancient Rome. It was also the first nude figure to be cast in bronze since the end of the Roman Empire. The statue captures a mood of triumph as David gazes down quietly at the severed head of Goliath. Portraying a mood or emotion in his sculptures, was definitely Donatellos style. In 1446 Donatello sculpted his largest statue, Gattamelate. Donatello was hired to sculpt a st atue of Erasmo da Narni, a well-known mercenary who died in 1443. The statue Gattamelata stands today in Piazzo del Santo in Padua. The statue measured eleven feet two inches. The horse in Gattamelata is a life size horse built to carry a warrior in full armor. The statue is a horse frozen in mid stride moving forward with authority and power. Donatello has portrayed an emotion in his sculpture. Donatellos sculpting style continued to show natural and realistic figures. After completing the statue of Gattamelata, Donatello accepted commissions in several northern Italian cities, but he returned to Florence in 1554 at the age of sixty-seven. He continued to work full time and employed at least twenty apprentices to help meet the demands of his work. Donatellos later works became more philosophical than earlier in his life. He focused on biblical stories that illustrated moral values. In 1454 Donatello sculpted a statue of Mary Mogdalena. The statue of Mary Magdalena was a wooden stat ue measuring six feet two inches. At first sight, most viewers are horrified at the freakish sight of her